Full man city kit

Full man city kit

Price: $28.86
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product description: At the end of their journey, Daisy and Chuck returned to the toy shop, with newfound confidence and a wealth of stories to share with the other toys. Their travels had brought them closer than ever, and they were now inseparable. Tom was so taken by the beautiful doll that he quickly purchased it and brought it home. He kept his new friend close to him and loved it dearly, taking great care of it as if it were his best friend.5. Enjoy the challenge of putting together a masterpiece ?From choosing the right parts and assembling them together to getting the perfect paints to achieve the desired effect, the assembly process for BJD dolls can be extremely satisfying and challenging. One day, a young girl named Blank was walking through the local mall. As she passed by one of the stores, she noticed something that made her heart skip a beat: a beautiful BJD doll that resembled an NBA basketball player!