Newcastle 95 shirt

Newcastle 95 shirt

Price: $27.82
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product description: 60cm BJD dolls (also referred to as "ball jointed dolls") are articulated dolls typically made from a combination of different materials such as resin, cloth, and plastic. Unlike traditional fashion dolls, these dolls have movable joints, allowing for greater articulation and more lifelike movement. The size of the dolls can range from 40cm to 80cm, but many collectors prefer the larger 60cm size as it allows for a more realistic look and feel. For those who want to take their BJD hobby to the next level, there are even tutorials and classes on how to professionally create and customize dolls. There is an entire community of BJD enthusiasts online, full of helpful tutorials, resources, and advice. Whether you're looking for inspiration, advice, or just a place to share your work, this community is a great place to start.When they opened the package, both Marcy and Bill were amazed to see the BJ Robinson doll looking exactly as they'd expected - perfect! They couldn't be happier.The price tag was astronomical, but that didn't deter the wealthy collectors who wanted to own the doll. It sold quickly and the lucky collector took the doll home to cherish and protect it.